India Shawn has unveiled the video for “Caught in the Middle,” following the release of her freshly-shared debut album Before We Go (Deeper). The Dennis Leupold-directed video sees Shawn and her love interest (played by Deivys Nicola) journeying through a ...

Calvin Harris has shared another new song from his forthcoming album, Funk Wav Bounces Vol. 2. The Scottish DJ joins forces with Normani and Tinashe, along with rapper Offset, for “New To You.” The superbly musical track finds Normani covering ...

Fresh on the heels of her exclusive Apple Music Live concert, Mary J. Blige has released a live album comprised of the setlist. It marks Blige’s second live album, following 1998’s The Tour, which Rated R&B placed on its list ...

The moment that music lovers have been anticipating all year has finally arrived with the return of Beyonce and her new album “Renaissance”. Included on the album are 16 all new songs, with no collaborative features, and the previously released ...

Chaka Khan has released “Woman Like Me,” her first single on SRG-ILS Group. It was produced by Gregg Pagani, who also co-wrote it with Francesca Richard and Jeffrey Anderson. Khan falls back on soul and R&B for “Woman Like Me” ...

The legendary Erykah Badu has just announced her upcoming “The Digging Crystals in Badubotron” Tour across America. Select stops along the tour will include DJ sets from Badu performing under her moniker DJ Lo Down Loretta Brown. The complete itinerary ...

Legendary singer Chaka Khan is back with a brand new single called “Woman Like Me”. The iconic artist has become known for delivering the world female empowerment songs over the years. She new delivers yet another female anthem with “Woman ...

Ro James celebrates the two year anniversary of his most recently released album by sharing a visual for single “Too Much” with Miguel. In the visual, the two R&B superstars share duties crooning while racing classic cars through the desert. ...

It’s finally here. Beyoncé’s highly anticipated seventh studio album, Renaissance, is available now. It’s her first proper album since 2016’s culture-shifting album, Lemonade.  The 16-track album includes the lead single “Break My Soul,” co-produced by The-Dream and Tricky Stewart. The empowering anthem scored ...

(Parkwood/Columbia)On her unapologetically escapist seventh album, the pop superstar unleashes everything from disco bangers to global house hedonism It has been six years since the last proper Beyoncé solo release. After 2016’s astonishing visual album, Lemonade, the pop behemoth put ...