Mariah Carey Declared As Top Certified Female Artist for Albums Sold by RIAA

Mariah Carey’s legendary career continues to reach even greater heights.

The Recording Academy Association of America (RIAA) has declared Mariah Carey as the top certified female artist based on album certifications. This spans her entire career during which she’s garnered over 69 million records sold.

Those numbers include all of her 16 albums released to date including her fifth album, Daydream, which has achieved Diamond status with over 11 million units sold and her Multi-Platinum singles Always Be My Baby (5M+ units sold), Fantasy (5M+ units sold), and Honey (2M+ units sold).

Additionally, last year Mariah earned the first Diamond certification on a holiday single for her timeless hit “All I Want for Christmas is You”.

In other Mariah Carey news, she recently announced that her upcoming MasterClass is slated for an April 2022 release. In the class, Carey teaches how to use the voice as a vehicle for expression through music.

Finally, Carey is slated to release her first children’s book, The Christmas Princess, written with Michaela Angela Davis and illustrated by Fuuji Takashi, which is slated for a Fall 2022 release.

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